Vietnam, Ha Giang
English | Tiếng Việt

Huu San Commune recognised as new rural area

15:48, 06/07/2024

BHG - A ceremony was held on June 29 to announce the recognition of Huu San Commune in Bac Quang District as a new rural area.

As of the end of 2022, Huu San had fulfilled only 9 out of 19 criteria of a new rural area, with the other remaining criteria involving large resources such as transport, electricity, schools, income and multi-dimensional poverty.

Tran Quang Minh, Head of the Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee’s inspection commission, and Bac Quang District leaders present a certificate recognising Huu San as a new rural area.
Tran Quang Minh, Head of the Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee’s inspection commission, and Bac Quang District leaders present a certificate recognising Huu San as a new rural area.

The rate of poor and near-poor households accounted for 33.5% and the average annual per capita income was 36 million VND (1,400 USD).

However, thanks to the efforts of the entire political system and the bold actions of Huu San Commune’s government and people, the commune was recognised as a new rural area in May 2024.

This raised the total number of new rural communes in Bac Quang District to 15 out of 21 communes.

To date, the average income has increased to 42 million VND (1,650 USD) while the poverty rate has dropped to 7.8%. Many roads in the commune have been paved with concrete and the electricity grid now covers all of the commune’s 11 villages.

On the occasion, certificates of merit were presented by the chairman of the provincial People’s Committee to two collectives and five individuals for their excellent achievements in building Huu San Commune into a new rural area.