Vietnam, Ha Giang
English | Tiếng Việt

Ha Giang police return lost documents to French tourist

17:08, 12/07/2024

BHG - On July 6, the police of Yen Minh District in Ha Giang Province received a request for help from a French tourist, who lost a wallet containing many important documents, cash and personal keys.

The French tourist receives his documents and personal belongings back.
The French tourist receives his documents and personal belongings back.

The police then determined the French tourist’s travel history and posted a notice on social media.

Shortly after they reported that a tour guide named Nguyen Ba Ngoc from Lao Cai Province had picked up a wallet with items similar to those in the Facebook post.

Ngoc said he picked up the wallet in Quan Ba District and shared the information on Facebook to find its owner.

At 4:30 on the same day, the Yen Minh police contacted the French tourist and returned the wallet to him.

The French tourist expressed his gratitude to the police for their quick response, and towards the local people for their valuable help.