Vietnam, Ha Giang
English | Tiếng Việt

Ha Giang steps up administrative reform, digital transformation

14:38, 20/09/2024

BHG - Ha Giang’s Steering Committee on Administrative Reform, Digital Transformation and Project 06 convened its first meeting on the morning of September 18.

In the first nine months of 2024, the province has recorded positive improvements in administrative reform, digital transformation, and the implementation of Project 06.

Ha Giang Vice Chairman Hoang Gia Long concludes the meeting.
Ha Giang Vice Chairman Hoang Gia Long concludes the meeting.

Specifically, 97.9% of dossiers were processed on and ahead of schedule; 81.4% of public services were delivered online; 89.5% of online payment services were implemented; and 97.7% of people were satisfied with online public services.

Ha Giang also completed 67/83 tasks in Project 06 (equivalent to 81%) and effectively implemented 22/33 models of Project 06. Many applications of Project 06 have brought substantive benefits, such as using ID cards in lieu of health insurance cards in healthcare services, notifying temporary residence on the VNeID app, and cashless payment.

Concluding the meeting, Ha Giang Vice Chairman Hoang Gia Long asked the authorities at all levels to step up communication work to enhance the awareness of public officials and people about the importance of Project 06, administrative reform, and digital transformation.

He called for perfection of mechanisms and policies on administrative reform, digital transformation, and IT application to create a favourable legal environment for implementing Project 06.

The official also requested efforts to accelerate the implementation of Project 06’s tasks and solutions and the province’s administrative reform in 2024.