Vietnam, Ha Giang
English | Tiếng Việt

Quang Minh Commune recognised as fifth-tier urban area

08:37, 13/02/2025

BHG - The resolution of the Quang Minh Commune Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term identified two major objectives: economic development through high-tech agriculture and concentrated goods production and rural development towards urbanisation.

As a result, Quang Minh Commune’s appearance has increasingly improved, and people’s living standards have increased, making the commune a dynamic development area of Bac Quang District.

Since the beginning of the term, the Quang Minh Commune Party Committee has created breakthroughs in economic development.

Growing cantaloupes in a greenhouse has helped Hua Van Bach’s family increase their income.
Growing cantaloupes in a greenhouse has helped Hua Van Bach’s family increase their income.

Hua Van Bach from Tam Lam Hamlet converted 1,100 square metres of maize-growing land to cultivate more than 1,300 cantaloupe plants in a greenhouse. This generates an income of 120 million VND annually, many times higher than maize cultivation.

Several other households have also converted less efficient areas to higher-yield, higher-value crops, forming value chain production links.

Quang Minh Commune has identified the application of advanced science and technology as the key to improving production efficiency. The locality has invested in 0.3 hectares of net houses for high-quality vegetable cultivation, planted nearly 19 hectares of safe vegetables, applied high-quality rice production techniques, and utilised modern agricultural machinery and drones to spray pesticides.

Thanks to these flexible and creative approaches, the value of agricultural and forestry production reached 265.8 billion VND in 2024, an increase of 31.77 billion VND from 2020. The average production value per hectare reached 85 million VND, raising the average income per capita to 46.3 million VND annually.

After being recognised as a new rural area in 2015, Quang Minh Commune continued to work to become an advanced new rural area. With public consensus, many roads and cultural houses have been renovated, and the commune centre has received a complete facelift. To date, the commune has achieved 12 out of 19 criteria of an advanced new rural area.

Trade and services have developed strongly with a system of shops, mini supermarkets, production establishments, businesses and restaurants. The commune has four entertainment facilities, one guest house, 250 general retail households, and 26 transport service households.

The central market operates effectively, promoting economic development. In 2024, the total value of trade and services reached 203 billion VND, an increase of 24.8 billion VND compared to 2020.

With a total score of 83.69/100, Quang Minh Commune has been recognised as a fifth-tier area, creating momentum to become the cultural, commercial and political centre of Bac Quang District.