Vietnam, Ha Giang
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Unique ice cream sticks at ‘Ha Giang Km 0’ landmark

14:01, 02/05/2024

BHG - For many people, cool ice cream is indispensable during summer. At the Km 0 landmark in Green Park, colourful popsicle sticks have appeared with a miniature image of the Km 0 milestone. This ice cream has created a trend attracting many tourists to Ha Giang.

Que kem Hà Giang 0 Km đang thu hút du khách
Que kem Hà Giang 0 Km đang thu hút du khách

Km 0 landmark is a check-in location for every tourist coming to Ha Giang. Recently, images of ‘Ha Giang Km 0’ ice cream on social networking sites have quickly become a trend among the tourism community. Different from regular ice cream sticks, this ice cream is designed with a unique and lovely shape. The most special feature is that the ice cream stick is made into a miniature version of the Km 0 milestone. From the shape to the numbers on the ice cream stick, every detail is like a miniature version of the milestone, creating a harmonious combination with vivid colours. In particular, the variety of colours of ice cream sticks is also a notable point, with colours ranging from purple and pink to beige, brown, vanilla, and green.

Vo Thi Hong Lien (Tuyen Quang) — a tourist who wants to experience Km0 ice cream.
Vo Thi Hong Lien (Tuyen Quang) — a tourist who wants to experience Km0 ice cream.

Each ice cream costs 35,000 VND/piece and the appearance of the ‘Ha Giang Km 0’ landmark ice cream has attracted the attention of tourists. Many people are interested in this creative, sophisticated idea and are not afraid to share pictures of this unique ice cream on social media.

Vo Thi Hong Lien, a tourist from Tuyen Quang said: “I find this ice cream eye-catching and delicious without being too sweet. The ice cream is a miniature version of the famous Km 0 check-in location, so it is very suitable for 'virtual' people like me. This will be a highlight to attract tourists when coming to Ha Giang. However, I find the price a bit high but worth the experience.”

The Km 0 milestone ice creams are not only worth enjoying but have also brought a new wave to promoting Ha Giang tourism. With this trend, the Ha Giang Km 0 landmark has become a destination not to be missed for tourists who love uniqueness and want to discover new experiences. At the same time, it is also a testament to the creativity and spirit originating from local culture.